Creating a family bond..., Connecting the present to the past..., and
Build a bridge to the future.


Digital Family Tree -> "Connecting Families Across Generations"

यो अनलाइन वंशावली व्यवस्थापन प्रणाली हजुरको कुल बंश (परिवार) लाई समय अनुकुल प्रबिधी मैत्री बनाउदै बिस्वभरि छरिएर रहेका हजुरको बंश / परिवार का सदस्य हरुलाई आफ्नो कुलबंश को बारेमा जानकारी हरु लिन सजिलो बनाउन, आफ्नो बंशावली को बारेमा संसारभर जहाँ सुकै बाट पनि हेर्न सक्ने तथा आफ्नो परिवार को रेकर्ड लाई आफैले कुल बंश को प्रणाली मा दर्ता गर्न / अपडेट गर्न सक्ने गरी सजिलो बनाउन, साथै बारम्बार बंशावली पुस्तक को नयाँ संस्करण छाप्न आइपर्ने  मुख्य समस्या -“वंशावली डाटा संकलन” सम्बन्धी कठीन, असहज र झन्झटिलो कार्य लाई अब उप्रान्त सदाका लागि अन्त्य गर्ने उद्देश्य ले यो सफ्टवेयर निर्माण गरिएको छ। 

यो वेब बेस अनलाइन वंशावली सफ्टवेयर मा हजुरले आफ्नो परिवारको वंशावलीको डाटा (विवरण) अपडेट गर्नु का साथै अन्य जानकारीहरु जस्तै पारिवारिक इतिहास, कला संस्कृति, रितिरिवाज, वंश परिचय, बिशेष सामाग्रीहरु, फोटो तथा भिडियोहरु, बिशेष कार्यक्रम, गतिबिधि, सूचना तथा समाचारहरु संकलन गरि ती सामाग्रीहरु आफ्नो वेवसाइट मा प्रकाशित गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ । यसरि प्रकाशित सामाग्रीहरु अनलाइन मार्फत संसार भर आफ्नो पारिवारिक सदस्यहरु तथा अन्य सदस्यहरुले पनि हेर्न र पढ्न सक्नेछन। तर बिशेष जानकारी भने सम्बन्धित परिवारको सदस्यहरुले मात्र लग-ईन  गरि हेर्न सक्नेछन।

:: Digital Family Tree ::
"Connecting Families Across Generations"


वंशावली विवरण संकलन सम्बन्धी कठीन, असहज र झन्झटिलो कार्य अब उप्रान्त सदाका लागि अन्त्य !!


"Digital technology isn't just a tool;
it's a catalyst for progress, innovation, and a brighter tomorrow."

Demo Video

Online Banshawali Software makes genealogy records (Digital Family Tree) with digital technology. Our vision has been to make it easier for people around the world to use the power of the Internet to know about their family and ancestors. This software is dedicated to connecting families across generations. Innovations are to represent a dynamic family tree building. Creating a family bond, connecting the present to the past, and build a bridge to the future.


Genealogy Family Tree

Digital Genealogy Family Tree Buider

Family Image Tree

Digital Genealogy Family Tree Buider with Image

Member List

Member List with Phono no.
Search facilities : By Name/ Father Name, Generation/ Country/ City / Family Type etc

Photo Gallery

Dynamic Album wise Photo Gallery

Video Gallery

Colection of Your Memories & Events

Family Activities

Family Worship, General Assembly, Kul Puja etc.


Information, Introduction, History, Culture, Who is Who (Chinary), Literature, Speach, Message, Legislation (Bidhan) etc.

News & Events

News, Notice, Events, Condolence (Samabedana), Congratulation, Festival Wishes (Shubhakamana) etc.

Sutak Info

Birth Sutak, Mrityu Sutak etc.


Simplify Doation Proess :
Member or any one can give donation to your organization.

Donar List

inspiring Donars:
Publish the list of Donors with amount and Project.

MGMT Team Profile

Profile Details with Photo
of Management Team & Committee Members etc.

Member Report

Member List with Phone Number

Financial Report

Publishig the Financial Report of Organization.

All Members

(दाजु भाई, चेली, बुहारी, ज्वाँई , भान्जा, भान्जी etc.)

Profile Maker

Building Digital Profile based on member information.

Family Member Register

Each Member has a access to enter/ register of his/her new family member.

Multi- Admin User

Multiple Admin User Access to simplify the Data Entry/ Update.

Social Site Connect

Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Linked inn etc.

Nepali & English Language

Multi Language Support:
Nepali & English

Multi- Admin User

Multiple Admin User Access to simplify the Data Entry/ Update.

Get in Touch _____


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(Call/ WhatsApp/ Viber)

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